Design and Synthesis of M(O,S)y Heterostructures and Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Degradation of Contaminants of Emerging Concern and Industrial Waste Chemicals
Digital training with motor-cognitive strategies to improve movement in Parkinson’s disease
ENGAGE (dEvelopiNG A neiGhbourhood model for dEmentia)
Ultrasensitive simultaneous detection of multiple Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers by a miniaturized on-chip silicon ultra-micro-device based on a universal antifouling interface (ADBs-on-a-chip)
WildHealth: from wildlife monitoring to preventing and mitigating the spread of zoonotic diseases and drug resistance
Innovative Solutions for Indoor Air Exposure: Agile, Lean, and Resilient (INSIDE-AIR)
Targeting MAITs as an Opportunity Beyond Weight Loss for Solving the Public Health Crisis of Obesity-associated Cancer – thinking outside the box by looking inside the adipose tissue
Violence as Contagious: Historicising Anglophone Narratives of Violence, Health, and Disease, 1800s to the Present
Imaging/Imagining Reproductive Crisis: time-lapse microscopy, animation and fertility discourse
A Mixed-method study on the relAtionship between poRnography and attItudes towards aGgression and viOLence among aDolescents [MARIGOLD]
Harnessing groups for health in response to public health crises: Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic
Youth Mental Health: A Public Health Crisis in need of Investigation
Novel ionically conductive biomaterial scaffolds for cardiovascular tissue engineering
A cross-border comparison of care strategies that women refugees and asylum seekers employ for survival during converging public health crises in Ireland and Northern Ireland
Protection of the human digestive system from micro(nano)plastic contamination
Antimicrobial photocatalytic coatings on sustainable construction materials carriers